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  1999-8864  (Online)

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Vol.11  No.3
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Volume 11 Number 3
Editors:  Shu-Ching Chou

Abstract | PDF Full Text | How to Cite
Differentiated civic cultivation: A comparison of civics and society textbooks in vocational and academic high schools
  The literature indicates that educational tracking between vocational and academic schools has a considerable impact on political participation, with vocational school students demonstrating less political engagement. Therefore, examining differences in civic education between vocational and academic schools has become a major focus of research. This study conducted textual analysis to compare Civics and Society textbooks in vocational and academic high schools in terms of their civic cultivation content. Three research findings were made. First, compared with academic schools textbooks, vocational school textbooks omitted themes such as human rights protection, state power moderation, active civic participation, and international affairs. Second, even for themes common to both textbooks, those for vocational schools excluded a discussion of how the social structure leads to inequality and oppression or a meta-analysis of how institutions are constructed. Finally, the questions covered in vocational school textbooks tended toward textbook reviews and elicited interest, whereas those for academic high schools tackled controversial public policy issues. These differences suggest that vocational school textbooks posit civic obedience, whereas those for academic schools assume that citizens bear the responsibility for improving society.
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Chen, S.-C. (2018). Differentiated civic cultivation: A comparison of civics and society textbooks in vocational and academic high schools. Journal of Textbook Research, 11(3), 1-32.
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Comparative implications of mathematical literacy between Taiwanese, Singaporean, and Brazilian textbooks: Using the Pythagorean theorem as an example
  Developing students’ mathematical literacy is the primary goal of math education, and textbooks play a crucial role in this endeavor. In this study, we analyzed mathematics textbooks used in Taiwan, Singapore, and Brazil from the perspective of PISA mathematical literacy. Focusing on the Pythagorean theorem, we analyzed three dimensions (content structure, mathematical competencies, and modeling process) to provide a framework for elucidating the meaning and implications of mathematical literacy in textbooks. The results indicated that textbooks used in Singapore and Taiwan possessed a similar content structure, whereas only the “Using Symbols, Operations, and Formal Language” and “Reasoning and Argument” competencies were similar in all three textbooks. Some aspects of the modeling process, such as “Formulating,” “Employing,” and “Interpreting or Checking,” were presented differently in each textbook. In short, the meaning and implications of mathematical literacy presented in these textbooks differed, although students’ PISA performance was similar in Taiwan and Singapore. The results of this study may serve as a reference for developing mathematical literacy when writing textbooks.
APA Format

Tso, T.-Y., Lei, K. H., Pinheiro, W. A., & Lu, F.-L. (2018). Comparative implications of mathematical literacy between Taiwanese, Singaporean, and Brazilian textbooks: Using the Pythagorean theorem as an example. Journal of Textbook Research, 11(3), 33-62.
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An exploratory study of multiliteracies in TESOL methods and materials
  Based on current trends and the requirements of the 12-Year Basic Education Curricula, this study examines the TESOL Methods and Materials course in a teacher education program from the perspective of multiliteracies. First, it reviews the literature on literacy and introduces New Literacy Studies and the concepts and teaching framework of multiliteracies. It highlights the fact that current language education views language as a means of understanding and communication in various sociocultural contexts and aims to enhance learners’ critical thinking abilities. This study also employs video analysis as a research method, using the researcher’s class as an example. Finally, the study’s findings and the researcher’s experience in teacher education are synthesized to indicate some implications.
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Chen, C.-H. (2018). An exploratory study of multiliteracies in TESOL methods and materials. Journal of Textbook Research, 11(3), 63-86.

Textbook Review
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Chen, C.-H. (2018). Textbook review: Introducing a reform-based textbook: Mathematics in Context. Journal of Textbook Research, 11(3), 87-99.

Book Review
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Yang, H.-C. (2018). Review of the book (Re)Constructing memory: Textbooks, identity, nations, and state, by James H. Williams & Wendy D. Bokhorst-Heng. Journal of Textbook Research, 11(3), 101-113.

Data and Statistics
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Textbook review and approval statistics (2018). Journal of Textbook Research, 11(3), 115-126.

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