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Vol.16  No.2
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Volume 16 Number 2
Editors:  Pei-Lun Chen Chang   Wen-Fu Lee

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Constructing a cultural-based and supplemental mathematics curriculum in an experimental elementary school
  The greatest challenge faced by experimental schools is the development of a curriculum that meets their unique educational objectives. This paper reports the establishment of a co-learning inquiry community by school teachers and a teacher educator in an indigenous experimental elementary school. Driven by the school’s pedagogical goals and prerequisites, the teacher educator introduced a suite of practical methodologies for crafting a culture-based and supplemental mathematics curriculum (CBSMC). The comprehensive process—incorporating curriculum design, pedagogical implementation, iterative reflection, evaluation, and revision—was deliberated during CLIC meetings. These meetings placed major emphasis on the articulation of mathematical problems while embedding culturally relevant events into the curriculum. After the CBSMC implementation, an observable increase in student engagement and mathematical comprehension was reported, a success attributed to the input of local elders and the discussions within the CLIC. This model of curriculum development, as demonstrated in the study, could provide a practical framework for other experimental schools aiming to customize their curricula to meet specific educational objectives.
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Hsu, W.-M. (2023). Constructing a cultural-based and supplemental mathematics curriculum in an experimental elementary school. Journal of Textbook Research, 16(2), 1-41.
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Corpus-based examination of sentence structures in Taiwanese elementary Mandarin textbooks: Implications for language education
  Sentence structure is crucial in language education. However, corpus-based research categorizing and quantifying sentence structures in Mandarin elementary textbooks are insufficient. To fill this gap, this study examined 18,081 simple sentences extracted from textbooks by three different publishers, categorizing them into 40 unique sentence patterns. The most prevalent patterns (S + V + O, S + V + O + V, and S + V + C) accounted for nearly 50% of the sentence structures in the corpus. The ensuing seven categories (S + V, “Shi” sentences, S + A, existence sentences, T + S + V + O, S + P + V + O, and “Ba” sentences) constituted approximately 85% of the total structures. These findings indicate a clear progression in sentence complexity with advancing grade levels, reflecting a pedagogical trajectory from simplicity to complexity. Despite examining various textbook versions, the study found minimal variation in sentence patterns across the three publishers. This research culminates with a proposed sentence learning table, intended to enhance language education.
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Wu, X.-R., & Hung, M.-H. (2023). Corpus-based examination of sentence structures in Taiwanese elementary Mandarin textbooks: Implications for language education. Journal of Textbook Research, 16(2), 43-89.
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Evolution of English curriculum: A longitudinal vocabulary study of English textbooks
  This corpus-based study investigated the transformation of English from an elite to a mass language as portrayed in textbooks used by five generations in Taiwan (ages of 20-69 years). By analyzing 989,629 tokens from 1921 lessons across 33 editions at elementary, junior high, and high school levels—from the 1960s to the 2010s—the study revealed distinct generational trends. Notably, the textbooks of the oldest generation, who experienced an era of elitist secondary education, exhibited more complex and extensive content than did textbooks for the generation now in their 40s and 50s. Notably, the textbooks for the generation now in their 20s had more content and a higher complexity level than did those used by the generation now in their 60s. The origin of the stark complexity gap between junior high and high school might be attributed to the 1968 implementation of compulsory education, a disparity that persists despite the introduction of English at the elementary level. Finally, the study recommends that curriculum designers should increase content quantity while reducing complexity in high school English textbooks to facilitate a smoother transition from junior high to high school.
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Ke, I.-C. (2023). Evolution of English curriculum: A longitudinal vocabulary study of English textbooks. Journal of Textbook Research, 16(2), 91-130.
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Social semiotic multimodal analysis of a German as a foreign language textbook: Unpacking cultural representations
  This study conducted a social semiotic multimodal analysis to determine Schritte International’s cultural representations of the people living in Germany. Schritte International has been a longstanding German as a Foreign Language textbook used in Maltese state schools. This analysis was performed using the original MIRROR framework, with emphasis placed on modes incorporated in the textbook as well as its social references. The primary findings of this study revealed how Schritte International predominantly depicts certain characteristics of people living in Germany. Specifically, the study determined that Schritte International provides a selective portrayal that reflects dominant essentialist ideologies.
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Cremona, G. (2023). Social semiotic multimodal analysis of a German as a foreign language textbook: Unpacking cultural representations. Journal of Textbook Research, 16(2), 131-159.

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Chen Chang, P.-L., Lee, W.-F., Lin, W.-T., Hsu, W.-M., Pan, T.-Y., Chen, C.-C., & Hsiao, T.-C. (2023). Forum: Development of teaching materials for experimental education. Journal of Textbook Research, 16(2), 161-191.

Book Review
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Istandaa Takishusungan, S. (2023). Review of the book Becoming Bunun: Childhood and upbringing in the Bunun, by Savi Takisvilainan. Journal of Textbook Research, 16(2), 193-205.

Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be sent to:
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