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  1999-8864  (Online)

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Vol.6  No.3
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Volume 6 Number 3
Editors:  Yung-Sheng Ou   Ching-Lung Lin

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A study of selection of science and technology textbooks used in elementary schools in greater Taipei area
  This study is aimed at understanding the current situation and influencing factors of the open-up for science and technology textbooks selected in the Greater Taipei Area decades after the implementation of textbook reform policies. It analyzes differences in considerations of science teachers with difference individual backgrounds. This study is based on a survey entitled “Research Questionnaire for the Selection for Science and Technology Textbooks Used in the Greater Taipei Area”, 399 of which were effective, and selected science teachers in Greater Taipei Area and employs descriptive statistics, t test, and one-way ANOVA to analyze the data. The main conclusion drawn from the findings of inductive analysis included: (1) Most schools, in accordance with regulations, established textbook selection committees responsible for selection methods and announced procedures and versions selected. (2) Teachers enjoyed professional autonomy as they carried out their responsibility of appraising science and technology textbooks for elementary schools in the Taipei area. (3) Almost two-thirds of elementary schools in the Taipei area have appraisal mechanisms for textbooks. (4) Science teachers who appraise and select textbooks focus primarily on content. (5) Teachers with non-science backgrounds focused more on properties of publication than their counterparts with science backgrounds.
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Hsu, M.-Y., & Chen, H.-W. (2013). A study of selection of science and technology textbooks used in elementary schools in greater Taipei area. Journal of Textbook Research, 6(3), 1-34.
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Multicultural images in science and technology textbooks
  Integrating multicultural perspectives into science curriculum has been an important focus in recent science education reforms. This study examines the content of science and technology textbooks used in elementary schools, and analyzes frequency, ratios and hidden messages of multicultural images. Version C (anonymous), consisting of a total of eight textbooks commonly used in 3rd to 6th grade in schools in the country were chosen to be used as research materials for this study. Frequency of image occurrence and meaning of texts were analyzed in accordance with how they related to gender, regional attributes of course content, and ethnicity and culture. Results showed that in terms of form, the overall content of Version C textbooks satisfied concerns for balanced images in multicultural education. However, grade level analysis showed lack of gender, regional, and ethnic and cultural balance in the structure. Particularly in the upper grades, textbook content clearly conveys the message that science is a field for male, that it originated from the West, and that it is mainstream, going counter to the goal of making science for everyone. To achieve multicultural science education, it is recommended that textbook editors integrate the findings of local science education studies with the research results of local scientists and locally obtained science knowledge, concepts and native cultural wisdom into textbooks.
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Hsiung, T.-H. (2013). Multicultural images in science and technology textbooks. Journal of Textbook Research, 6(3), 35-57.
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Tendencies toward pragmatism in elementary mandarin textbooks in the early years of the ROC: Analysis carried out primarily on Li Jing-Hwi’s versions
  Pragmatism profoundly affected China at the beginning of the last century. It was primarily influenced by developments in China, the utilization of technologies from the West, and the Pragmatism represented by Peirce, James, and Dewey of the United States. In addition to the ideological aspects, China’s modern education has been heavily influenced by Pragmatism. Mandarin textbooks edited by Li Jing-Hwi show obvious influence from Pragmatism.
  This paper discusses Mandarin textbooks edited by Li Jing-Hwi who had an important position in China’s modern cultural history. First, it explains the highlights of Pragmatism and its impact on China. It discusses stylistic design, content selection, narrative method, and other areas of textbooks to show how textbooks were influenced by Pragmatism.
  The conclusion explains that although Pragmatism has been criticized because of political factors, its focus on effectiveness, experience, and child-centered and life-centered concepts, are a good direction for educational materials today. The Mandarin textbooks edited by Li Jing-Hwi are good examples of this.
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Guo, Z.-K., & Cheng, X.-D. (2013). Tendencies toward pragmatism in elementary mandarin textbooks in the early years of the ROC: Analysis carried out primarily on Li Jing-Hwi’s versions. Journal of Textbook Research, 6(3), 59-94.

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Forum: Gender issues in science textbooks (2013). Journal of Textbook Research, 6(3), 95-130.

Book Review
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Huang, W.-C. (2013). Review of the book Making thinking visible: How to promote engagement, understanding, and independence for all learners, by R. Ritchhart, M. Church & K. Morrison. Journal of Textbook Research, 6(3), 131-142.

Data and Statistics
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Textbook review and approval statistics (2012). Journal of Textbook Research, 6(3), 143-155.

Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be sent to:
4F, 179 Sec. 1, Heping E. Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei City 106011, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
E-mail: ej@mail.naer.edu.tw

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