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Vol.3  No.2
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Volume 3 Number 2
Editors:  Li-Hua Chen   Kuo-Yang Yang

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An analysis of the content of and the process used to establish selection criteria for elementary school textbooks in Taiwan
  This study seeks to understand the process currently used for developing textbook selection criteria for Taiwan’s elementary schools and the content thereof. Nineteen elementary schools participated in the survey. The results show that some shortcomings exist in the textbook selection criteria used, including the development and provision of criteria, the criteria structure, and the criteria content. What’s more, a number of discrepancies exist between textbook selection regulations and textbook selection criteria. In addition, the staff in elementary schools might be unaware of these shortcomings and discrepancies.
  Nine suggestions were made for the improvement of the elementary schools textbook selection criteria based on the findings of this study. Finally, suggestions regarding the implementation of systematic reviews of textbook selection criteria and the entire selection process were offered as reference to the elementary schools and educational authorities.
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Lai, K.-J. (2010). An analysis of the content of and the process used to establish selection criteria for elementary school textbooks in Taiwan. Journal of Textbook Research, 3(2), 1-25.
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Textbook editing and selection mechanism in Hong Kong: The roles of the education bureau
  Textbooks, crucial in educational systems, consist of essential teaching materials and represent the organization of systematic knowledge and the bringing together of curriculum and teaching. Hong Kong, however, needs to carry out more research of textbook and to improve the quality of textbooks. This article discusses the roles of the Education Bureau in textbook editing and selection mechanism and suggests ways to enhance those roles. The authors confirm that the Education Bureau plays crucial roles in the textbook mechanism. We suggest, however, that in addition to its present roles, the Education Bureau should cooperate with other relevant organizations to coordinate textbook affairs, conduct more textbook research, and strive to improve the textbook mechanism.
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Fok, P.-K., Ip, W.-H., & Wong, H.-W. (2010). Textbook editing and selection mechanism in Hong Kong: The roles of the education bureau. Journal of Textbook Research, 3(2), 27-62.
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Different interpretations of curriculum and textbooks from k-9 teachers in Taiwan and the U.S.
  Textbooks are considered as the predominant classroom resource by most K-9 teachers. In particular, several studies have found that teachers in Taiwan are extremely anxious about challenging textual authority. As a result, their teaching is centered on textbooks. Even now educational policy in Taiwan is calling on the use of multiple-texts as supplementary materials along with designated textbooks, teachers still find it difficult to bring themselves to use alternative textbooks. In contrast, American teachers are given more autonomy to decide teaching materials as well as evaluation processes and formats. Yet, their accountability needs to be monitored. This is also the main reason the NCLB law calls for improvement of the teacher quality in the U.S. In the present paper, the author contends that due to different interpretations of “curriculum,” “textbooks,” and “evaluations” in different cultures, we need to learn from each other. However, the key elements for successful teaching in both countries are allowing specialists to exercise autonomy and empowering teachers.
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Tang, S.-H. (2010). Different interpretations of curriculum and textbooks from k-9 teachers in Taiwan and the U.S. Journal of Textbook Research, 3(2), 63-92.
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Curriculum transformation in the era of reform initiatives: The need to rethink and re-conceptualize content
  This article analyzes the complexity of transforming the curriculum ideals embodied in reform initiatives into syllabus documents, with a particular focus on the call for developing generic skills, values and attitudes. The central argument is that the transformation is fundamentally a conceptual endeavor requiring serious curriculum work which has to deal with issues concerning content selection, organization and framing. It entails a need to rethink and re-conceptualize curriculum content in view of curriculum ideals. Implications are discussed concerning the challenges of curriculum transformation in the current emergent curricular landscape in Singapore.
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Deng, Z. (2010). Curriculum transformation in the era of reform initiatives: The need to rethink and re-conceptualize content. Journal of Textbook Research, 3(2), 93-113.

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Forum: Elementary and junior high school textbook selection system: Finding compromise between ideals and reality (2010). Journal of Textbook Research, 3(2), 115-138.

Book Review
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Hsiao, Y.-M. (2010). Review of the book Contested views of a common past: Revisions of history in contemporary East Asia, by S. Richter (Ed.). Journal of Textbook Research, 3(2), 139-143.

Data and Statistics
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Statistics of textbook review and approval (2010). Journal of Textbook Research, 3(2), 149-159.

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Report: Presentation of NICT sponsored theses and dissertations on textbook-related topics, 2010 (2010). Journal of Textbook Research, 3(2), 161-163.
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Report: 2010 international conference on issues of curriculum transformation (2010). Journal of Textbook Research, 3(2), 164-165.

Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be sent to:
4F, 179 Sec. 1, Heping E. Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei City 106011, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
E-mail: ej@mail.naer.edu.tw

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