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  1999-8864  (Online)

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Vol.15  No.1
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Volume 15 Number 1
Editors:  Tzu-Ta Yiu   Wen-Fu Lee

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Content analysis of international education in Finnish elementary school mathematics textbooks: The example of an “optional themes” fifth-grade unit
  This study analyzed the international education content in Finnish elementary school mathematics textbooks. The primary text for analysis was the English version of the WSOY Laskutaito, which is the most popular textbook among Finnish school teachers and students. The researcher used the fifth-grade “optional themes” unit as the example for content analysis and “testlet” for analyses. This study explored the WSOY Laskutaito using the analysis framework of the learning theme, as well as the substantive implications of international education. The findings are as follows. First, the fifth-grade “optional themes” unit covers at least three international education learning themes: national identity, international awareness, and global competitiveness. National identity is presented most frequently, followed by international awareness and global competitiveness. Second, the fifth grade “optional themes” unit integrates calculators into mathematics learning and directly introduces European mathematics for practice. This enables students to use technology to solve mathematics problems and expand their international awareness. This study provides several suggestions for mathematics educators’ reference.
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Chen, W.-H. (2022). Content analysis of international education in Finnish elementary school mathematics textbooks: The example of an “optional themes” fifth-grade unit. Journal of Textbook Research, 15(1), 1-41.
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Do senior high school English textbooks sufficiently prepare students for the high-stakes college entrance examinations? A corpus-based analysis of text difficulty
  The aim of this study was to uncover how sufficiently senior high school English textbooks in Taiwan prepare students for reading the passages in the high-stakes college entrance examinations in terms of text difficulty. A corpus-based approach was adopted to compare the vocabulary load and readability of passages extracted from senior high school textbooks and from the English test papers of college entrance examinations. Two corpora were compiled: a textbook corpus comprising texts extracted from all five editions of Ministry of Education (MOE)-authorized senior high school textbooks and a test corpus containing all of the reading passages in the college entrance English tests from the 2002 to 2017 school years. The results indicate that the passages in the English textbooks do not match those in the tests in terms of the vocabulary load and several Coh-Metrix readability metrics. The reading passages in the English tests generally have lower overall readability, lower narrativity, and higher syntactic complexity than those in the textbooks. The test passages also require a much larger vocabulary size than the textbooks do. Implications of the findings for students, textbook writers, English teachers, and the MOE are provided.
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Cheng, Y.-S., & Chang, S.-C. (2022). Do senior high school English textbooks sufficiently prepare students for the high-stakes college entrance examinations? A corpus-based analysis of text difficulty. Journal of Textbook Research, 15(1), 43-80.
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Comparative analysis of the cultural content of Chinese textbooks in Taiwan and in the United States through the examples of Practical Audio-Visual Chinese and Integrated Chinese
  Culture is an indispensable aspect of Chinese teaching. Therefore, this study had a twofold purpose: to identify the core categories of the cultural content of Chinese textbooks and to analyze the distribution of the cultural content of two textbook sets. Cultural content was divided into 5 main categories and 17 subcategories. The two textbook sets, Practical Audiovisual Chinese (which is used in Taiwan), and Integrated Chinese (which is used in the United States), were compared and analyzed using the comparative education research method and content analysis. The analyses revealed two results. One was the uneven distribution of the cultural content in the two textbook sets, demonstrating a focus on surface culture and neglecting deep culture; the proportion of cultural content generally increased. The second was that the emergence of cultural subcategories in the two textbook sets was mostly the same. However, the American textbooks included more diverse content. Three suggestions were developed from these results: the proportion of cultural content in Chinese textbooks should be adjusted, the diversity of cultural content in American Chinese textbooks should be used as a reference, and the cultural content of Chinese textbooks in various countries should continue to be explored.
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Chang, C.-L. (2022). Comparative analysis of the cultural content of Chinese textbooks in Taiwan and in the United States through the examples of Practical Audio-Visual Chinese and Integrated Chinese. Journal of Textbook Research, 15(1), 81-109.

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Yiu, T.-T., Lee, W.-F., Lu, H.-L., Chen, J.-C., Chen, L.-H., Yang, K.-Y. Chung, C.-H., & Lan, W.-Y. (2022). Forum: Competence-based textbooks’ practice and prospects. Journal of Textbook Research, 15(1), 111-143.

Book Review
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Chien, H.-Y. (2022). Review of the book Executive function in education: From theory to practice (2nd ed.), by Lynn Meltzer. Journal of Textbook Research, 15(1), 145-155.

Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be sent to:
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E-mail: ej@mail.naer.edu.tw

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