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  1999-8864  (Online)

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Vol.8  No.1
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Volume 8 Number 1
Editors:  Jenq-Jye Hwang   Li-Yun Wang

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The narrative changes of chinese history in junior high school textbooks (1952-2008)
  After Taiwanese history became required reading in the history curricula of primary and secondary schools in 1997, did Chinese history narratives also change? This study attempts to understand the narrative changes in Chinese history textbooks since Taiwan’s democratization and the effects they might have on Taiwan’s national identity formation. We use the interpretive text-analysis method to examine the National Standardized Version and the Of-ficial Approved Version of junior high school history textbooks. The results show that there have been five changes in the narratives of Chinese history textbooks. However, because the dynastic linear narrative structure has not changed, its function as a national history continues, making it the foundation for Chinese national identity formation. We discuss the reasons for the continu-ity and its implications on democratic citizenship education and history teaching and learning. We call for a reconstruction of Chinese history textbook narrative from a world-history perspective.
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Sung, P.-F., & Chen, C.-C. (2015). The narrative changes of chinese history in junior high school textbooks (1952-2008). Journal of Textbook Research, 8(1), 1-31.
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Taiwan’s image around the world: The othering perspective in American textbooks
  To promote bilateral understanding of international education, this article ex-amines international views of Taiwan’s image, using “the other” theory as its critical foundation, to see if American textbooks reveal western-centered per-spectives under the imperialist influence of master-slave relations and national rankings. This study is aimed at critiquing the position of Taiwan portrayed in international textbooks based on a selection of six primary and secondary school world history and geography textbooks. First, we analyzed Taiwan’s im-age as represented in the textbooks and classified its image into the following categories: geographical, historical, political, cultural, and economic. This paper concludes several discourses on Taiwan’s image in American textbooks: “at-taching China” discourse represented in geography, “splitting China” discourse in historical aspects, “detaching from China” discourse in political and cultural aspects in terms of democratic freedom and multiculturalism, and “beyond China” discourse in the area of economic development. Othering discourses of colonization, periphery, slaves, and exclusion are also represented in the text-books. Reflective thinking on “the other” helps to resist the collective identity of western hegemony and improve international bilateral understanding, so as to reconstruct new discourses on Taiwan’s image.
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Wang, Y.-H., & Peng, C.-L. (2015). Taiwan’s image around the world: The othering perspective in American textbooks. Journal of Textbook Research, 8(1), 33-61.
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A critical analysis of John Dewey’s general thoughts on subject matter
  As a response to the claim that the significance of subject matter should be made clear to the public suggested by the newly promulgated “A Proposal for the Curriculum Development for 12-year Compulsory Education,” this paper is aimed at critically analyzing John Dewey’s general thoughts on subject matter, reviewing his works as well as related literature. It is divided into six sections. The first points out the difficulty of changing people’s narrow views on subject matter. Dewey’s notions of the meaning and origins, classification and develop-ment, and organization and employment of subject matter are discussed in the following three sections. In the fifth section, three main characteristics of his general thoughts on subject matter and three possible reasons that Dewey’s re-form proposals for subject matter have not been well implemented are pointed out. Lastly, in the sixth section, concluding remarks and recommendations for future research are offered.
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Shan, W.-J. (2014). A critical analysis of John Dewey’s general thoughts on subject matter. Journal of Textbook Research, 8(1), 63-108.
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An online international project as a path to reconstruct learners’ knowledge in learning materials, opportunities and examples
  Globalization and emerging technologies are changing the world. The concept of “multiple literacies” has broadened the traditional definition of the term “lit-eracy” to meet multiple new needs in modern life. The goal of multiple literacies is to extend the concept of learning, emphasizing cross-cultural skills and tech-nology use in societies with various cultures and languages. Accordingly, text-books are critical in teaching and their design and format continue to undergo change. However, research indicates that traditional textbooks are text- and ex-pert-oriented, characteristics that hinder critical skills students need today. Using theoretical analysis, this article discusses“The Future Teacher Project”, an ex-ample of iEARN (International Educational and Resource Network) project in which Taiwanese teachers and students interacted with Palestinian teachers and students through the iEARN online collaboration platform, showing that new online learning materials can be multimodal and effective; knowledge in learning materials can be reconstructed by learners by communicating with international peers; and these constructive learning experiences can promote intercultural understanding as an innovative path to enhance teaching and learning.
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Chen, C.-H., & Chen, L.-H. (2015). An online international project as a path to reconstruct learners’ knowledge in learning materials, opportunities and examples. Journal of Textbook Research, 8(1), 109-134.

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Forum: Compilation of adaptive teaching textbooks (2015). Journal of Textbook Research, 8(1), 135-169.

Book Review
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Chang, Y.-H. (2015). Review of the book Design for how people learn, by Julie Dirksen. Journal of Textbook Research, 8(1), 171-181.

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Zhan, M,-H., & Wu, S.-Y. (2015). Report: 2014 conference on history teaching materials and peace education: Discourse and implementation. Journal of Textbook Research, 8(1), 183-200.

Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be sent to:
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E-mail: ej@mail.naer.edu.tw

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